32 Trade Apprentice Jobs in NPCIL

Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) has issued recruitment news regarding 32 Trade Apprentice Jobs .npcil-logo

Advt.No: 01/MAPS/HRM/TA/2018

Post Name: Trade Apprentices

Vacancies: 32 Posts ( UR-18, SC-6, OBC-8)

Qualification: 10th pass + ITI in the relevant branch.

Age Limit: Maximum 24 years.

How to Apply: First register in the web portal http://apprenticeship.gov.in and send hardcopy to
Manager (HRM), HRM Section, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Madras Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam-603 102. Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu.

Last Date: 16th August 2018

Official Notification