75 ITI Trade Apprentice Jobs in Hindustan Copper Ltd

Hindustan Copper Limited has issued job advertisement inviting applications for 75 ITI Trade Apprentice Jobs .

Post Name: ITI Trade Apprentices

Vacancies: 75 (Electrician- 25, Mechanic Diesel- 10, Welder– 7, Fitter– 10, Armature Winder- 2,   Turner- 5, AC & Refrigeration Mechanic- 2, Draughtsman Mechanical- 3, Draughtsman Civil- 3, Surveyor- 3, Carpenter- 3, Plumber- 2)

Qualification Required: Must have High school or equivalent pass certificate and  ITI in relevant trade.

Age Limit: Maximum 25 years for general candidates.

How to Apply: Application and relevant documents to be sent to Assistant General Manager (HR&A), Hindustan Copper Limited, Malanjkhand Copper Project, Tehsil:- Birsa, P.O.- Malanjkhand, District Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh –481116.

Selection Process: On the basis of Written Test.

Application Submission last Date: 26th September 2017

Written Exam Date: 8th Oct 2017

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