Air India Air Transport Services Limited (AIATSL) has invited applications for 300 Handyman Jobs for 10th Pass in Mumbai for which one can apply till 11th July 2016.
Post Name: Handyman
Vacancies: 300
Qualification: 10th class Pass and at least 1 year experience of Loading / Unloading functions in any organisation.
Salary: Rs.11,040/- p.m.
Age Limit: Maximum 28 years (ie; born between 02.07.1988 & 01.07.1998) for general category.
Application Fee: Rs.500/- through Demand Draft in favour of “AIR INDIA AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES LTD.”, payable at Mumbai. No fees for Ex-servicemen / SC/ST candidates.
How To Apply: Attend Walk-in-Interview on 11th July 2016(9:00 am to 12:00 pm) at Systems & Training Division 2nd floor, GSD Complex, Near Gate No-5, Sahar, Andheri-E, Mumbai – 400099.
Bring original certificates,f bio-data along with copies of certificates. No objection certificate from the current employer (if applicable).
Walk-in-Interview Date : 11th July 2016