Punjab Scheduled Castes Land Development & Finance Corporation (PSCFC ) has issued recruitment news regarding 83 Asst,Clerk, S.O , Manager , Peon Jobs in Punjab Govt.
Post Name
Qualification Required
1 | Clerk |
Graduation & 30wpm Type-writing speed on Compute in English and Punjabi. 120 hours duration course in Computer/ I.T / Office Productivity applications / Desktop Publishing OR DOEACC O level course. |
2 | Peon |
Minimum 8th pass and maximum 12th pass. |
3 | District Manager |
Post Graduation in 1st division. |
4 | Section Officer (S.O) |
S.A.S. + 3 years experience or Commerce Graduate + SAS/CA/CS Part-1 + 3 years of experience as Auditor/ Accountant. |
5 | Statistical Asst |
Master’s in Economics / Statistics / Agricultural Economics / Commerce with Statistics as one of the subjects. |
6 | Sweeper |
Primary Pass with Punjabi knowledge. |
Selection Process : On the basis of Written Test (objective type mcq). For Clerk post a Skill test (in English,Punjabi Typing) will be held along with written test.
Application Fee : Rs.1000/- for General Category and Rs. 500/- for candidates belonging to the SC / ST/PH/ESM of Punjab State. Pay fee through Pay-in-Slip, generated after filling online application. submit this slip in any branch of State Bank of Patiala on or before 26th August 2016.
Online Application Last Date: 25th August 2016