644 Accountant, Steno, Tech Asst Jobs in CWC

Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC), Delhi a Schedule-A Mini-Ratna, Category-I, Central PSU has published notification in Rojgar Samachar/ Employment News 1st October 2016, inviting applications for 644 Accountant, Steno, Tech Asst Jobs. cwc-logoCWC is under the administrative control of Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, which provides Scientific storage facilities for agricultural inputs, produce and other notified commodities besides providing logistics infrastructure like CFSs/ICDs, Land Custom Stations, Air Cargo Complexes etc for import-export cargo.

Advertizement NO.: CWC/1-MANPOWER/DR/Rectt./2016/02

S.No Post Name Total Posts Pay Scale Appx. Monthly emoluments at the minimum of Pay Scale (Basic + IDA @ 114.8% Age Limit As on 13.10.2016
Current Backlog Total
1. Mgmt.Trainee (General) SC: 5, ST: 2 OBC: 10, UR: 18 ST: 2 37 Rs.20600-46500 (E-2) Rs. 44248/- 28 Years
2. Mgmt. Trainee (Technical) SC:1,OBC:2 UR:03 NIL 06 Rs.20600-46500 (E-2) Rs. 44248/- 28 Years
3. Assistant Engineer (Civil) SC:2, ST01 OBC:4, UR: 8 NIL 15 Rs.16400-40500 (E-1) Rs. 35227/- + Perks & Allowances 30 Years
4. Accountant SC:2, ST:1 OBC:3, UR: 10 ST01 OBC:01 18 Rs.16400-40500 (E-1) Rs. 35227/- + Perks 30 Years
5. Superintendent (General) SC:19, ST:9 OBC:35, UR: 67 NIL 130 Rs.16400-40500 (E-1) Rs. 35227/- + Perks 30 Years
6. Jr.Superintendent SC:19, ST9 OBC:35, UR:67 NIL 130 Rs.11200-30600 (S-11) Rs. 24057/- + Perks 30 Years
7. Jr.Technical Assistant SC:45, ST22 OBC:77, UR:146 SC:10 300 Rs.10500-28690 (S-9) Rs. 22554/- + Perkss 28 Years
8. Stenographer ST:1,OBC:1 UR:6 NIL 08 9800-26780 (S-8) Rs. 21050/- + Perks 25 Years

Qualification & Experience:-

Post Code Name of the Post Educational Qualification Experience
1. Management Trainee (General) Graduation with 1st class MBA with Specialization in Personnel Management or HR Management or I.R or Marketing Management or Supply Chain Management NIL
2. Management Trainee (Technical) 1st class PG degree in Agriculture with Entomology or Micro-biology or Bio-chemistry /Zoology with Entomology NIL
3. Assistant Engineer (Civil) Civil Engineering Degree NIL
4. Accountant B.Com /BA (Commerce) or CA or Costs and Works Accountants or SAS Accountants of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department + 3 years’ experience in maintaining and auditing of Accounts. 3 Years
5. Superintendent (General) PG Degree in any discipline NIL
6. Jr. Superintendent Graduation in any discipline NIL
7. Jr.Technical Assistant Degree in Agriculture / Zoology/ Chemistry /Bio-Chemistry as one of the subjects NIL
8. Stenographer 10th pass with a minimum speed of 80 wpm in English shorthand and 40 wpm in English typing NIL

Application Fee: Rs.500 for UR/ OBC and Rs.200 for SC, ST, PWD, Ex-Serviceman and Women candidates.

Application Submission Last Date: 13th October 2016

Detailed Notification