132 Assistant, Driver, Officer Jobs in SPIU

Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), State Project Implementation Units (SPIU) has issued notification regarding 132 Assistant, Driver, Officer Jobs  in the following States:-

07 States Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
03 Hilly States Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttrakhand
01 UT Andaman & Nicobar Island
08 NE States Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura (01 SPIU office is to be set up in Guwahati for these 08 States)

Job Details: –

S.No. Designation Discipline Posts
1. State Project Administrator

On deputation :
would receive pay in parent organization OR in the proposed scale Rs. 43200-3%-66000 (IDA) plus DA and other allowances as admissible.

Salary On Contract:Rs. 18,30,467/- to Rs. 27,96,529/-p.a.

Incharge of office 12
2. Nodal Officer/Consultant

Consolidated fee/pay range-
from Rs. 75200-140900/-
per month

(Institutional Development Academic) 12
Procurement 12
Finance 12
Monitoring & Evaluation 12
Information Technology 12
Administration 12
Total 84
3. Office Assistant

Consolidated fee/pay range-
Rs. 35000/- per month

General 12
4. Account Assistant

Consolidated fee/pay range

Rs. 35000/- per month

Accounts 12
5. Messenger-cum-Driver

Consolidated fee/pay range

Rs. 25000/- per month

General 12
6. Dispatcher

Consolidated fee/pay range

Rs. 20000/- per month

General 12
Total 48
Grand Total 132

Appointment Mode:-

For State Project Administrator On

Deputation basis / Contract basis

for project period i.e. three years, subject to review of performance on annual basis.
For Consultant / Support Staff On
contract basis
for project period i.e. three years, subject to review of performance on annual basis.

Application Submission Last Date: 19.03.2017

Detailed Notification