11 Technician Jobs for Ex-Servicemen in HAL (Bangalore)

Hindustan Aeronautics  Limited (HAL) has issued notification regarding Technician Jobs for Ex-Servicemen in HAL (Bangalore).

Name of Post: Aircraft Technician

Vacancies: 11 (Electrical – 3, Airframe -1, Powerplant -2, Structure – 3, Transmission -2 )

Educational Qualification: Candidates must be EX-Servicemen with experience in relevant trade.

How To Apply: Completed applications in an envelop to be sent toThe Deputy General Manager (HR) Rotary Wing Research and Design Centre, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited,Post Bag No. 1783, Bangalore – 560017.

Last Date For Applying: 06-06-2015

Detailed Notification