11 Jr.Computer Operator Jobs in CWC

Central Water Commission has issued notification in employment news of 3rd Oct 2015,  inviting applications for 5 Jr.Computer Operator jobs in CWC (Delhi).

Name of Post: Jr.Computer Operator

Vacancies: 11 (UR-2, OBC-4, SC-2, ST -3 )

Educational Qualification: Candidates must have done Degree in Physics/ Geophysics/ Meteorology/ Hydro Meteorology and should have typing speed 35/ 30 wpm in English/ Hindi.

Age Limit: Maximum 27 years in case of general candidates.

Scale of Pay: Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900.

How To Apply: Completed applications to be sent along with copies of relevant documents to the Under Secretary (Estt.XI), Central water Commission, Room No.310 (S), Sewa Bhawan, R.K Puram, New Delhi-110066.

Application Last Date: 02-11-2015

Official Notification & Form on Page 5 of Employment Newspaper (3rd Oct 2015).